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How to Use ChatGPT to Create Better Business Presentations
ChatGPT can help you create compelling presentations by suggesting appropriate content, visual elements, and persuasive arguments, ensuring your message is effectively conveyed.
Here are a few examples.
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Example 1: Create a presentation outline
Prompt: Help me create an outline for a presentation on the challenges and actions that we should take to fix a troubled program for one of our clients
ChatGPT response:
Here’s a suggested outline for your presentation:
I. Introduction
A. Briefly state the purpose of the presentation.
B. Provide a high-level overview of the client’s program.
II. Overview of the Current Situation
A. Describe the program in its current state.
B. Highlight key performance metrics or feedback.
III. Identification of the Key Issues
A. Provide a detailed breakdown of the identified challenges in the program.
1. Operational Challenges
2. Technological Challenges
3. People/Personnel Challenges
4. Strategic Challenges
B. Share specific examples and evidence for each challenge.
IV. Analysis of the Impact of These Challenges
A. Explain how these issues affect the program’s goals and objectives.
B. Discuss how these challenges impact the client’s business.
C. Highlight the broader implications for stakeholders.
V. Proposed Solutions
A. Detail proposed solutions for each identified challenge.
1. Operational Solutions
2. Technological Solutions
3. People/Personnel Solutions
4. Strategic Solutions
B. Discuss how these solutions address the root causes of the problems.
C. Explain the expected impact of these solutions.
VI. Plan of Action
A. Share a step-by-step implementation plan for the proposed solutions.
B. Discuss timelines for each step and overall program recovery.
C. Outline any necessary resources or support required.
VII. Risk Management and Contingency Planning
A. Discuss potential risks or obstacles in implementing the solutions.
B. Provide a contingency plan for each identified risk.
VIII. Conclusion
A. Summarize the key points of the presentation.
B. Reiterate the importance of addressing the program’s issues for the client’s success.
C. Open the floor for questions and discussion.
Remember, it’s crucial to use clear and concise language, engage your audience, and be prepared to answer questions on any part of your presentation. Good luck!
Example 2: Suggest visual elements
Prompt: Suggest three creative ways to visually represent our quarterly sales data in a business presentation, highlighting the growth and areas of opportunity.
ChatGPT response:
Here are three creative ways to visually represent your quarterly sales data:
Interactive Dashboard: You can use an interactive dashboard with real-time sales data. Tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Google Data Studio can help you create such dashboards. It should consist of various elements:
Time Series Line Graph: For depicting sales growth over quarters. The X-axis can represent time (quarters) and Y-axis for sales figures. Each line can represent a product category or region, and the trend will show growth or decline.
Heat Map: To highlight the best-performing and under-performing regions or products. The color gradation can signify the sales volumes or growth rates.
Drill-Down Features: To allow the audience to interact and explore data on their own, such as seeing sales by different regions, products, or demographics.
Infographics: Infographics are a visually compelling communication medium that can easily display complex data. You can represent the sales data in a story format, showing the sales journey over the quarter.
Pictographs: Use icons to represent sales data. For example, if you sold 500 units, you could display 5 icons, each representing 100 units sold.
Growth Metaphor Visualization: Use metaphors like growing plants, ascending rockets, etc., to represent growth in sales.
Segmented Bar or Pie Charts: For showing distribution or comparison among different categories or regions.
Animated Video: An animated video or GIF can be an engaging way to present sales growth.
Animated Bar Chart Race: Where each product category or region is a bar, and they race over time to show growth or progress.
Storyboard: Show sales growth as a journey or story, with each scene representing a different aspect of the sales data.
Remember, regardless of the method chosen, ensure the data is presented in a way that’s clear and understandable to your audience. Be consistent with your use of colors, symbols, and labels, and ensure everything is accurately represented.
Example 3: Give the main points and a script
Prompt: Write 4 key points to include in a business presentation about the advantages of adopting sustainable practices for our company’s long-term success. Also include a strong closing statement that I can use as a script to end my presentation with.
ChatGPT response:
Sure, here are four key points on the advantages of adopting sustainable practices:
Competitive Advantage and Brand Image: Embracing sustainability can distinguish our company in the marketplace. It shows our commitment to the environment and social responsibility, which can attract customers and business partners who share these values.
Cost Efficiency: Sustainable practices often lead to long-term cost savings. Energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable procurement can significantly decrease operating costs over time.
Risk Management: Sustainability can help us anticipate and manage business risks. Climate-related risks, changes in regulations, and shifts in consumer behavior are real concerns in today’s world. Adopting sustainable practices prepares us for these challenges.
Employee Engagement and Recruitment: Many employees, particularly millennials and Gen Z, prefer working for companies with a strong commitment to the environment and society. Sustainability initiatives can increase staff motivation, loyalty, and productivity.
And here’s your closing statement:
“In conclusion, sustainability is not just a trend or a nice-to-have. It is a business imperative that has significant impacts on our bottom line, brand reputation, risk management, and talent acquisition. As we navigate the future, let’s not just think about how we can survive, but how we can thrive. And the way to thrive is by taking care of the planet and the communities we serve while we take care of business. Thank you.”
The success of your presentation will depend on how convincingly you can demonstrate these benefits, supported by solid examples and data, and how well you can tie them to your company’s specific situation.
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My name is Hassan Osman. I write short books and I teach short courses for busy managers. I also run a free weekly newsletter called Leadership 80/20 that helps leaders master the 20% of actions that drive 80% of results.