I decided to write a short book about remote leadership.
This is a topic I’ve been considering for years, but I kept pushing it out because it’s such a broad subject.
I haven’t started writing yet, but I did come up with a prospective title:
“How to Lead (Remotely): A summary of the top 10 lessons from the world’s best books on leadership (A practical field guide for virtual leaders)“
The title will probably change. I listed the word “Remotely” in parenthesis because that focus area is tentative. I’m not sure if the concepts will apply to leadership in general or specifically to remote work.
Unlike my previous books, I don’t have a clear idea about what I’m going to cover or how the concepts will be presented. So I’ll let the research guide me.
I’ll be reading and summarizing some of the world’s best books about leadership and highlighting the common themes among them. I will then use those findings and patterns as guidelines to shape the book’s content.
However, I’m fairly sure that this book will be similar in style to my other short books for busy managers.
It will be a concise book that focuses on practical applications as opposed to high-level strategies. So it will be less about inspirational leadership stories and more about actionable tips that leaders can implement with their team.
I’ll also research other references, such as articles from journals like the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, as well as leadership lectures from conferences such as TED.
The cool thing is that I’ll be publishing all my findings in public, and I’ll be sharing updates about the content of the book on this blog.
I have asked a few of my followers about some of the best books they’ve read on leadership and already started reading a couple based on those recommendations.
I’ll share more about those books as well as my methodology, process, and framework in the next few days.
In the meantime, if you’re interested in following along, and getting updates about the content as it’s released, click the following link: